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Kids Tranquility Blanket 6 lb Blue
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Kids Tranquility Blanket 6 lb Blue

Product ID: 460433840
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The Tranquility Kid's Weighted Blanket is the ideal sleep aid to help your child fall asleep faster, remain asleep through the night, and awake fully rested. This weighted blanket utilizes Deep Touch Pressure Therapy (DTP) through the application of gentle, even pressure across your body. The results mimic the feeling of being held, or hugged, to reduce anxiety and improve mood. This increased sense of calm helps the user to fall asleep easier and remain asleep through the night. The Tranquility Kid's Weighted Blanket features temperature balancing technology to keep you cool when it's hot, and warm when it's cold. For the best results, you should select a weight that is 10% of your child's total body weight and add 1 to 2 pounds. Isn't it time that your child's blanket did more than keep you warm The Tranquility Kid's Weighted Blanket with removable cover is soft and mimics the feeling of being held, or hugged, to help you relax and fall asleep. The removable cover is great for easy clean-up of messes or spills. This blanket is suggested for children over 50 pounds and ages 10 and up and is also a great option for adults looking for a lighter weighted blanket or those looking for one to travel with.

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The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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Reema J.

Perfect platform for hard-to-find items. Delivery was prompt.

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